Waste (WS)
Waste (WS)
Question | Answer | Attach | etc. |
3.1 (WS.1) | 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) program for university’s waste | Attach | 3R program 1 – 50% implemented |
3.2 (WS.2) | Program to reduce the use of paper and plastic on campus | Attach | 1 – 3 programs |
3.3 | Total volume organic waste produced (ton) | Attach | 16 |
3.4 | Total volume organic waste treated (tons) | Attach | 11 |
3.5 (WS.3) | Organic waste treatment | Attach | Partial (> 65 – 85% treated) |
3.6 | Total volume inorganic waste produced (tons) | Attach | 4 |
3.7 | Total volume inorganic waste treated (tons) | Attach | 1 |
3.8 (WS.4) | Inorganic waste treatment | Attach | Extensive (> 85% treated) |
3.9 | Total volume toxic waste produced (tons) | Attach | 60 |
3.10 | Total volume toxic waste treated (tons) | Attach | 600 |
3.11 (WS.5) | Toxic waste treatment | Attach | Partial (> 65 – 85% treated) |
3.12 (WS.6) | Sewage disposal | Attach | Treated with tertiary treatment |
3.13 | Planning, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of all programs related to Waste Management through the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (new) | Attach |